Community Involvement
The physicians of Women’s Health Care of Western Colorado have always been committed to giving back to the Grand Valley community that has been so loyal to their practice. Throughout the years, the physicians have given financially to help support funding for many charities and benefits.
Our doctors are a part of a group of providers that help provide discounted medical services through the Mesa County Health Department and the Marillac Clinic, which helps meet the gynecological health needs of uninsured women throughout Mesa County. Most recently, the practice supported the “Hospice Child & Teen Program” through Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Colorado, a unique organization which provides support to seriously ill patients and families.
Not only are the physicians involved in the community, but the staff members are also. One time each month, the physicians support a “Blue Jeans for Babies” event. This is sponsored by the March of Dimes, a leading non-profit organization which is a pioneer in medical research to improve the health of unborn and newborn babies. So, if you come into the office, and the staff members are wearing blue jeans that display a sticker that reads “Blue Jeans for Babies,” you will know that each person has donated $5.00 that day to the March of Dimes.
Last Christmas, through the Salvation Army, the doctors and staff purchased food, turkeys and gifts for the children and mothers of two single-mother families in the Grand Valley. It was a heart-felt event for all members of Women’s Health Care to take wrapped Christmas gifts and car loads of food to feed the families for a week.
Other organizations which have been recipients of donations from Women’s Health Care are “Girls on the Run,” the Boy Scouts of America, Grand Junction Parks & Recreation, and the Grand Junction Symphony.
Each and every physician of Women’s Health Care is dedicated to quality in health care and thanks you, our patients, for your many years of loyalty.